
the car junkie daily magazine.


This Ford Sierra Cosworth Is One Angry Little Bastard! How Does Four Cylinders Sound So Threatening? Anti-Lag!

This Ford Sierra Cosworth Is One Angry Little Bastard! How Does Four Cylinders Sound So Threatening? Anti-Lag!

It’s not a well-known thing for American Ford fans, but in the UK, if you say “Ford” and “Cosworth” in the same sentence, you’ll see the same glazed-eye expression that phrases like “Cobra Jet” and “Shelby” tend to induce. That’s because a Cosworth-powered Ford product is something to behold in it’s own right. In the 1980s and early 1990s, this was a 200-220 horsepower setup that was jammed into Sierras (Merkur XR4Ti) and the Europe-only Ford Escort Cosworth RS. And much like the other well-known turbo wonder child of the late 1980s, the Buick Grand National, if you played around a little bit underneath the hood and knew what you were doing, the rewards were staggering. This is a four-banger four-door that is packing 560 horsepower and one of the nastiest turbocharger anti-lag systems we’ve heard in a while. The best part of this video? The footage is shot in France, one of the least car-friendly locations on Earth. Can you imagine what some Peugeot driver would do if this bad mother rolled up behind him, popping and banging away?

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