
the car junkie daily magazine.


This Little 3-Wheeled Ape Car Proto Is Powered By A Triumph Triple And Hauls Ass On The Ice!

This Little 3-Wheeled Ape Car Proto Is Powered By A Triumph Triple And Hauls Ass On The Ice!

Ice racing is something I have been wanting to do for years. It looks like such a riot sliding a car around on ice with studded tires in search of grip and a line that won’t slow you down more than you need. There is a ton of skill in keeping the car under control and we love watching videos of the action because it all just looks like so much fun! When my friends Scott and Michael were on a group text and one of them sent over this click of greatness, I knew it was going to be worth watching within 5 seconds. This is my kind of fun. We’ve seen one of these little three wheele monsters on a paved hillclimb somewhere as well as on a rally stage or two, but watching them this sideway does seem to fly in the face of physics sometimes. After all, how does this thing not end up on its side against the big nerf bars?

I’m not sure exactly what is at play here, but I sure know it looks like a riot.

What do you think? Would you try to drive something like this fast on snow or ice?

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