
the car junkie daily magazine.


This Video Of Snowmobiles Jumping Into A River And Planing Across Proves That Even Lunatics Understand Physics

This Video Of Snowmobiles Jumping Into A River And Planing Across Proves That Even Lunatics Understand Physics

I’m writing this blog item and still smiling about the video you are about to watch. It is all so wrong but so right at the exact same time. From what I have been able to learn, the video was taken up in British Columbia about five years ago and it shows a group of snowmobile riders flying off a jump and landing in a river…then throttling up and zipping across said river right on top of the water like belt driven jet skis. Essentially this video is so wrong that it is right. When you first see a rider careen off the jump and toward what certainly seems like a watery death, you’ll totally brace for impact and then prepare to see the rider and the snowmobile sink to the bottom of Davy Jones’ locker. We’re not blaming you, the reaction is 100% natural. The thing is, you don’t need to worry. These men are trained professionals and their skill on these machines will blow your mind.

Skill, you say? Hell yes skill! I know I could not launch off that jump, smash into the water, and then jam the throttle wide open enough to keep the snowmobile on plane and above the river. These guys have it down to a science. The truly amazing part for us is that they’re able to apply throttle at the exact moment after they impact the water and they use momentum to their advantage while powering in towards shore. If I attempted this type of tomfoolery there would be a dead blog writer and a sunken snowmobile. Fact.

The people participating in this behavior are clearly unhinged, but they are smart and we admire that. We’d never tell anyone to go out and try this because the “learning” part of the program would involve us sinking a snow machine right to the bottom of the river. This video is proof that even the crazies understand basic scientific concepts. We don’t recommend testing your theories like these guys did…because you’ll die and we’ll feel bad.


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