We can hear the hate mail now. “MONSTER TRUCKS ON A DRAG STRIP?! Like our condoning or celebration of such a kick ass event is out of place. The whole sport of drag racing, especially on the promotional side has been about creativity and a willingness to put your balls on the line with regularity. No family has been ready, able, and willing to hang their nards out with regularitry than the Napp family that operated Reaceway Park and has for generations.
We dig the hell out of this video and event because it is an awesome layout including a strip start, car crushing, the turn through the barriers and then the sprint back over the cars in the grass.
Lots of tracks have trucks run to 60′ side by side. To our knowledge, no one has ever come up with a successfaul model to have just monster trucks at a drag strip running flat ass wide open.
Click below to see why the Napp family is drag racing royalty.
If I’m not mistaken, this event had Grave Digger and Bigfoot run side-by-side for the first time in a long time.
Also, several ADRL events have had the Bigfoot trucks run the 1/8th flat-out, side-by-side. But it’s more an exhibition pass, rather than a complete show.
I was at this event last year- they also do a freestyle competition, often including huge, smoky donuts directly in front of the suites. It’s part of a big night that also included nostalgia funny cars, jet dragsters and jet truck, wheelie trucks, etc.