Ultra4 Rigs Meet Hillclimbing! Who Wins? We All Do! (Just Kidding…The Hill Wins!)

Ultra4 Rigs Meet Hillclimbing! Who Wins? We All Do! (Just Kidding…The Hill Wins!)

Ultra4 racers are the kind of rigs that you see at King Of The Hammers. They are brutal units that have to survive the worst that California can throw at them, and range from UTV runners to the Unlimited class, where anything goes after you meet the safety requirements. If you’re going to go play off-road, why not go all-out, right? Well, we know some old boys in the Southeast who know a thing or two about going balls-out off-road…hillclimbers and rockbouncers. On one side of the argument, there’s long, obstacle-filled blasts through the desert. on the other hand, it’s pointing the nose of your rig at the sky and hoping that you find the happy ground between “not enough throttle” and the heavy thudding noises made when a rig powers itself over into a backflip that sends it tumbling back down the hill. Apparently there is some kind of rivalry going on between Ultra4 drivers and the rockbouncers…we say that anybody nuts enough to take on one of these hills doesn’t need any more competition than what Ma Nature provided for them. Some of those trees put a hurting to these challengers!

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1 thoughts on “Ultra4 Rigs Meet Hillclimbing! Who Wins? We All Do! (Just Kidding…The Hill Wins!)

  1. Mike

    This very fun to watch, but those guys are bat poop crazy! I am entertained, though. Great show guys!

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