
the car junkie daily magazine.


Destruction Video: Lots of Cars Crashing Through Lots of Buildings

Destruction Video: Lots of Cars Crashing Through Lots of Buildings

We were thinking about this blog item where a car drove through a bakery, and decided to scan YouTube for some other car-goes-shopping videos. It’s incredible how much of this stuff is out there. We never knew so many people were so talented in the ways of stupid destruction at the wheel. Here’s a small selection of the videos that are on the ‘Tube, and most of these include last-second saves with people cheating death. As far as we know, no one was significantly injured in any of these.

Watch this convenience store customer. We hope he was buying a lotto ticket!

In this one, watch how the front wheel keeps turning after the car stops, as if the SUV is in four wheel drive and the woman driving is still on the gas. She also managed to embed herself into the store launching from a dead stop in the parking lot outside!


Here, watch the driver back into a gas pump before driving through the front door of the convenience store:


A guy in a music store gets his desk crammed by an errant auto:


This girl would have been smithereens if she was 1 foot closer:

Here’s someone smashing into a laundromat:



Here, a car drives into a mall, down an escalator, and falls to the next floor. Sadly, the notes claim it was an attempted suicide. Gladly, it didn’t work:

Motoring through a tire store:



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1 thoughts on “Destruction Video: Lots of Cars Crashing Through Lots of Buildings

  1. John T

    jeezus….scary to think these idiots are driving down the same roads as the rest of us…

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