
the car junkie daily magazine.


UPDATED Video: NHRA Motorsports Museum Low Flyers Car Club Panel Discussion

UPDATED Video: NHRA Motorsports Museum Low Flyers Car Club Panel Discussion

We are proud to be partnering with the NHRA Wally Parks Motorsports Museum to bring you all the history of drag racing and hot rods you can handle in 2011, presented by The Auto Club of Southern California. The Auto Club of Southern California continues to provide incredible support for the museum, and our hobby in general, and it is our pleasure to present to you video coverage of the first panel discussion of 2011 featuring original members of the Low Flyers along with Jim Miller and Alex Xydias as moderators. Original Low Flyers members Dick Megugarac, Stuart Hilborn, Phil Remington, and Ben Wenz are featured in this video which is Part 1 in our series. Look for the remaining video portions to be posted over the next few days. 

This Low Flyers Panel Discussion marks the first in a series of events BangShift will be bringing you in 2011 from the NHRA Wally Parks Motorsports Museum. We are working with the museum to not only bring you these events on tape, and to capture them for historic purposes, but also to bring them to you live via streaming video as you come to expect from BangShift.com. Stay tuned  in the coming weeks as we will be making announcements as to the first live event from the Museum. 

In the meantime, enjoy the show. It was a true honor and privilege to be a part of this event. The Low Flyers history is amazing, and inspiring.

To find out more about the NHRA Wally Parks Motorsports Museum, and all their events, visit their website here.


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