Bar none, end of story, this video featuring clips from NASCAR racing in the 1960s is the coolest stock car racing video we have ever seen. There’s Ford FEs running with the valve covers off, Hemis swinging through the air, guys drinking beer during pit stops, and full size cars on big rubber hauling ass.
The video looks to be cut together from footage used in an old Speedvision (remember that?) show as the Speedvision logo can be seen in the upper right corner of all the clips.
It was a totally different era back then and there are parts of the video that can stay in the 1960s but lots of it we would welcome back today. Mainly the massive cars, manufacturer identity, colorful drivers, and quaint conditions in the pits.
We watched this thing like four times in a row and kept seeing stuff we missed the time before. You’ll be slack jawed within one minute of hitting play. It’s that good.