
the car junkie daily magazine.


Video: The Most Violent and Painful Automotive Magic Fail Ever

Video: The Most Violent and Painful Automotive Magic Fail Ever

We’ll warn you that this video is pretty violent and shocking. The dude playing the role of failed magician is lucky to be alive, although we’ve read that he suffered multiple injuries, including broken bones and cuts. How did this happen? Simply put, he chained himself to the back of a pace car and had them hammer the throttle with the intention of becoming unchained before all the slack was taken up. 

If you’re gonna be dumb, you’ve gotta be tough.

Having personally witnessed more than a couple failed “magicians” and “stunt men” at racing events over the years, we’ve long maintained to ourselves that if we ever found ourselves at the helm of a racing facility, we’d never book one of these acts in.

If you’ve ever wanted to see what would happen to a big fat guy if he were ripped from terra firma by a Camaro at full throttle, here’s your chance.

Skip the first couple of minutes and get right to the action, if you dare!


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6 thoughts on “Video: The Most Violent and Painful Automotive Magic Fail Ever

  1. chryco63

    Perhaps the guy initially tried this with his cousin’s 3rd-gen 305 TPI IROC, and figured, “All Camaros are the same, right?”

  2. cyclone03

    I didn’t like that at all……..

    “Mom… I gotta ider,I ah,gonna put a da chaining on ma ayrms… din B-ray gonna mash da pedall to da wood and i gonna ave dim chainings offa me befer…………”

    “Boy ya gonna breaks em ayrms………”

    To the promoter,did you even think for 1 minute how Ugly double compond fractors look with short sleeves?

    Was the guys ex wife driving?

  3. Marra1

    Wow it makes you think,what did they think was going to happen if it went wrong!
    If he tries it again you never know we might see another video of it happening, but see what brains he has coming out from a worse accident!

  4. Doc

    Maybe he should try it with a tractor next time, it would give him more time… seriously how dumb do you have to be? Ever heard of a safety margin? Like I don’t know… a few more feet of chain?

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