Making big Cadillacs run hard isn’t a new thing, but it never gets old either. This drag video, which we believe was shot at Byron Dragway in Byron, Illinois, is awesome. It shows a claimed street race machine from Chi-town on the strip stomping the daylights out of what looks to be a full-race Camaro. We want this car bad! You know that we’re totally into the “make big stuff fast” scene here and this Cadillac pulls it off better and harder than virtually anything we have ever seen before.
Sleepers rule, but this thing is beyond sleeper. If you looked at that car and thought 10.20s through the mufflers, you’re way better than us. Our friend Courtney Hines, owner of Cad Company, has built killer Caddy power for decades. In fact, he built the world’s fastest Cadillac, in the Spectre Performance Streamliner, but seeing another one of these beasts plowing down a drag strip still gets us lathered up.
We know what the guy in the Camaro was thinking when he saw the rear doors of the Cad come by, “What the hell?!”
For information on how you can make an Eldo or Deville fly, visit Cad Company here.
Get Courtney to post some videos of flash Cadillac. I used to watch that thing shoot at Albuquerque drag strip.