The Russian Kamaz truck has long been a staple at the infamous Dakar rally. The huge, beastly machines are known for being virtually indestructible and for packing more than 1,000 turbo-diesel generated horsepower. Normally we see these trucks careening over sand dunes, fording rivers, and speeding across places that look more like a lunar landscape than Earth. In this video we see one on asphalt, running full bore, much to the delight of a Moscow crowd.
The event that this video came from is put on by Bavaria beer, which is a brew made in Holland that is one of the most popular in all of Europe. The company puts on several racing exhibitions a year in large European cities. Dublin was actually added for 2012. They block off city streets to create a course and let everything from F1 cars to these huge trucks go hog wild. As you will see, the route comes to a dead end, so the drivers rip through the course going one way, turn around and race back the other way. It is all a big exhibition and party to promote the beer company and we’re totally OK with that as this looks like a super fun deal.
Watch this huge truck, which had to way far more than 10,000lbs handle the corners and actually get into a couple of four wheel drifts! The tires look to be somewhere in the 45-50″ tall range and we want to guess that they are 46″ Michelin meats on the corners taking all this abuse but we’re not totally sure.
We’d give an appendage to ride shotgun during this banzai blast around the Kremlin!
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