
the car junkie daily magazine.


Watch a Pikes Peak Racer Launch Their Car Over a Cliff, Suffer One of the Most Horrifying Wrecks We Have Ever Seen and Survive!

Watch a Pikes Peak Racer Launch Their Car Over a Cliff, Suffer One of the Most Horrifying Wrecks We Have Ever Seen and Survive!

The footage you will see below is not an outtake from a movie or some specially altered special effects piece. This is footage of Pikes Peak racer Jeremy Foley and his co-driver launching their Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution off of a cliff at a section of the hill climb known as the “Devil’s Playground”. Another racer did something similar last year, but these guys did it about one hundred times worse. In what can only be described as miraculous news, both the driver Foley and his co-driver Yuri Kouznetsov survived this wreck.  Kouznetsov apparently suffered a dislocated shoulder at some point in the horrifying series of barrel rolls and end to end flip, but that was the worst of it. When you see this go down, you’ll be shocked that they lived.

The buzz around this year’s  Pikes Peak event centered around the fact that the whole course was going to be paved with asphalt from start to finish and it would surely be the quickest and fastest climb ever. That proved to be true, but that new found speed also resulted in a couple of hard core wrecks. This is the first we’ll show you and by far the most spectacular.

The builder of this roll cage can legitimately be called a lifesaver because when we first watched this, we thought that the two men in the car would have been permanently maimed or worse. This is totally insane.

Press play to watch what could be the most horrifying crash you have ever seen!

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