
the car junkie daily magazine.


Watch a VW Transaxle Explode and Spread Its Guts Across the Pavement During a Burnout

Watch a VW Transaxle Explode and Spread Its Guts Across the Pavement During a Burnout

In my time announcing drag races, I have had the pleasure of seeing all manner of junk explode with different levels of ferocity. From Funny Cars that literally blew their bodies into a million pieces to econoboxes that made a little clunk and died in the water box, there have been mechanical failures aplenty. Of all the tame stuff I have seen blow up, VW transaxles take the cake as the most flamboyant pieces when they self destruct.

Unlike most transmissions that simply make a bunch of horrible noises and then cease to function, VW units blow apart and puke spider gears, other chunks of aluminum, and leave hunks of their cast cases like egg shells under the car. This isn’t something that happened once, I probably have seen 50 of them bite the dust over the years and they all do the exact same thing this one does. Carnage is cooler when internal parts become external.

Press play to see destruction and the victim’s pals laughing their asses off at him!


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