There’s nothing better than good satire and there’s nothing better than good satire that gives the viewing audience a little credit and doesn’t dumb the jokes down to make sure everyone “gets” it. That’s a brave approach because ultimately you go in knowing that you’ll alienate a large section of a potential audience who simply doesn’t get the premise behind your humor but if you are into cars, you’ll be in on the joke of this video. The whole “Car Bros” deal seems to be a brilliant lampooning of the seemingly endless number of video car reviews that are populating the internet these days. They all use the same shots, the people say mostly the same stuff, and even in the same tone. These guys play it totally straight the whole time and we loved every second of it. Make no mistake, this is a love it or hate it deal. We’re know that some of you will be spitting hot fire in the comments, but that’s kind of the point, right?
Between some of the obvious car guy jokes you’ll hear and some of the more subtle off-hand comments that you’ll pickup, these guys are good. The guy who does the “Regular Car Review” stuff tends to go off into cabbage fairly often but these guys never stray from the premise of the video, which is to review a “2015” Mustang against a Scion (“A Chinese company”) over a series of real world situations and testing. We promise that you’ll love the zero to 60 stuff. It is priceless.
In closing, good on you Car Bros! We hope that this is the first of many videos to come from this brandy new YouTube channel. Witty, thoughtful, and just plain funny!
“… Ya know, with all those bailouts and everything, you’d just expect a little bit more out of Ford.”
Ford didn’t take a bail out.
That’s the joke.
It’s like “regular car reviews”. But boring and not funny
Agreed. If that is considered “funny”, then the intelligence of the one laughing should be questioned. The only funny thing was seeing that moron screw up the 2-3 shift.
Intriguing idea, poor execution. Ford didn’t get bailed out, btw.
Pretty lame. Makes me wonder what the heck you’re watching that makes you think this was a good parody.
You guys are seriously dense. It’s SATIRE! SATIRE! Its all fake, thats a 3 year old car.
I guess I shouldn’t be surprised how many people missed the point here. For it to be funny, you’d have to think about it..
Those Aussie’s really know how to build an engine!! LMAO