
the car junkie daily magazine.


What In The…?! This Snowmobile/Travel Trailer Hybrid Is The Most Canadian Thing We’ve Ever Seen!

What In The…?! This Snowmobile/Travel Trailer Hybrid Is The Most Canadian Thing We’ve Ever Seen!

As I type this, I’m warming up…here at BangShift Mid-West, we have been hit with Winter Storm Jonas. You know what? Jonas sucks. I just chiseled half an inch of ice off of both the Angry Grandpa 300C and my wife’s truck, and guess what? They’re STILL frozen to the damn ground! I’m stuck inside in an igloo that is butted up next to a corn field. I’m not jealous of Chad…he lives in California, he pays for living in California, good on him. It’s Brian that I’m jealous of right now…last year he was up to his butt cheeks in snow and this time around, with a winter storm bearing down on the Boston area, where is he? If his 737 wasn’t frozen to the tarmac, it means that he’s in California. Warm temperatures. No, I’m not bitter. I’ve just never understood some people’s fascination with the cold. Right now it’s cold enough outside to freeze the balls off of a pool table, which is enough to make me bundle up into the human blanket burrito while chanting “There’s no place like Arizona”….Shut up, Alex…but then you have people who thrive for this wintery crap! It’s one thing for our friend Johan, who owns the Ice Monster Camaro. We’d be excited too. But then you have this kind of deal: somewhere in the colder sections of Ontario comes the combination of an old camper trailer and a snowmobile. It looks like an absolute deathtrap but it’s actually pretty genius: you cut the wind out of the equation, you simply drag an impromptu shelter wherever you go, and ice fishing suddenly got a whole lot more comfortable.

(Thanks to Shannon Sykes for the tip!)

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5 thoughts on “What In The…?! This Snowmobile/Travel Trailer Hybrid Is The Most Canadian Thing We’ve Ever Seen!

  1. Chevy Hatin' Mad Geordie

    As a keen fisherman that would be my dream vehicle!

    Just imagine a fishing hatch in the floor and sitting on a frozen lake catching huge salmon which you then cook to perfection and wash down with fine Canadian whisky….

    Aaaaaah – it wouldn’t get any better than that!

  2. Blu67RS

    “Impossible to interpret” is a good description of this contraption…….but I’d cruise it, no question 🙂

  3. RodneyAwesome

    My buddy has a Ford Festiva with 12” holes drilled in the passenger and driver floorboard. He made the seat slider go all the way back and the steering wheel detachable. Works pretty well.

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