Les Mayhew, the dude who creates all of the totally awesome NitroAmerica videos has begun to release some of this footage from the 2013 March Meet. His first video from the race is a look at Wayne Mellinger’s scary wall slapping hit during the qualifying of nostalgia nitro funny cars on Saturday. Wayne and the crew had a rough weekend, popping the blower on their burnout Thursday, experiencing this incident on Saturday, and then blowing up the transmission in their dually on the way home! Sometimes the drag racing gods just decided to stack themselves up against someone and Mellinger was their unfortunate victim last weekend.
The Corvette suffered enough damage from this crash that it will need front-halving. The steering gear and suspension were obviously thrashed on the passenger side of the car and the front frame tubes were also bent according to some of the team members we spoke to the evening after the crash. Wayne himself was already quite sore that evening and we have to imagine that the ride home was not all that comfy either.
We’re hoping Wayne is able to get the car fixed and back at it soon. Obviously weekends like this can be very discouraging, but nitro racers are a tough lot and they don’t scare off easily! Next time we see Wayne and feature his car, we’ll make sure it is under better circumstances!
Although the damage looked minimal (I could see damaged headers) I gur=ess it was much worse. I would have thought with the impact the video would have been much worse
– check out Don Ewald taking photos and not moving a muscle at the guard rail! He took some great stills of this also
walls are good for somthing, some of us who have over corrected,Glad it was’nt a bad one, when they get half way hung up on the wall….NICE SAVE !