
the car junkie daily magazine.


Watch A 94-Year Old Man Drive Through A Car Wash At Full Throttle And Performs The Most Violent Perfect Parking Job Ever

Watch A 94-Year Old Man Drive Through A Car Wash At Full Throttle And Performs The Most Violent Perfect Parking Job Ever

There’s an on-going discussion about testing older drivers every few years to make sure that they are still OK to be driving. This video will surely add to that debate as it features a 94-year old man speeding through a car wash at full throttle and then mashing a wall at the back of the parking lot and somehow the car ends up perfectly “parked” at the end of the whole episode. As you will see, multiple workers at the car wash were gesturing for the driver to slow down but he was not able to do so. We don’t know if the guy swapped the gas for the brake, if he had something wedged under the brake pedal, or what the actual circumstance was that caused his car to run full bore through the washer and cause $100k worth of damage to the place. It is pretty stunning to see the multiple camera angles, especially the one where he literally cleans out every spinning brush in the joint like they are bowling pins.  We’re happy to report that the driver was uninjured.

Because no one was hurt we can make one kind of comedic observation and that is the fact that the car, after having completely mangled the car wash and smashing into the wall it ends up parked as perfectly between two stripes on the lot as is humanly possible to do. Like we said, the guy was OK and varying news reports we have read state that he “couldn’t take his foot off the gas”. Take that to mean what you will.

As far as older people being tested for driving competency? This is another log onto the fire of that debate.


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8 thoughts on “Watch A 94-Year Old Man Drive Through A Car Wash At Full Throttle And Performs The Most Violent Perfect Parking Job Ever

  1. bernie quasaar

    Having worked in a carwash, often in the tunnel the chances of there not being anyone waiting on the inside of the other end of this were amazingly slim. They were lucky with this one…

  2. Tom P

    I think he went through the dryer too quick to dry it off but then maybe he went through the rest too fast to even get wet.

  3. Threedoor

    Yeiks, at least he didn’t kill anyone. Reminds me of visiting my step grandfather a little over a month ago. He’s almost 90 and insisted we go to lunch and that he drive. During the drive of less than two miles he told me about getting ticketed and how pissed he was about getting pulled over for weaving, running a red light and going 15 under. He told me “Ive been driving for 75 years and know what I’m doing,” as he ran the second red light in two miles at about 10 miles an hour while turning left against three lanes of oncoming traffic who were going between 35 and 40 Thought I was going to the hospital for sure.

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