This is certainly the first time and we’re kind of hoping it will be the last when we post a video link to a congressional hearing around here but it is also the first time we have been engaged enough to sit and listen to one end to end. This hearing is about the recently introduced RPM which aims to place protections on the modifications of vehicles to be used in racing activity. The bill and the world to get it to the floor have been championed by SEMA and it is SEMA people that you will see testifying to the congressional committee. Chris Kersting speaks on behalf of the organization and the aftermarket along with racing announcer/President of National Speed Sport News Ralph Sheheen. They are questioned by the members of the panel on all sorts of stuff and we think that they delivered the message well.
You need to watch this. The fight for the rights of hot rodding is far from over and taking our collective eyes off the ball at this point could really be a disaster. We much keep the pressure on. We must keep our voices loud and clear, and we must keep paying attention.
thank you for posting this timely insult to my personal freedom on what i can drive, what, when or where this is a golden example of our governments ugly head going to far up it’s self
Years ago when the tax credits were anounced for EVs and hybrids, Limbaugh postulated that eventually the feds would be winnowing down what we were allowed to drive and eventually mandating what we must buy. Just like health insurance. One progressive step at a time.
this is the tip of the bigger iceberg take a look at what is being ginned up in the state of Washington. The state beefed up the gas tax years ago to pay for things like roadway maintenance etc. The auto industry provided more fuel efficient cars per Gov. fuel ratings. People bought the efficient cars & use less gas. WA. State says we just cant have that, cars use less gas so lets tax the roads they drive on. They state is pushing for a tax per mile on everything licensed to fill the money gap. They want to put monitoring devices in your car that track every inch that car moves basically turning all highways & roadways into toll ways. Think about that a minute—-the Gov. wants to put a MONITORING device in your car and track where & when you drive your car. What could possibly go wrong?
This isn’t the first time Bernice has played games behind curtains and closed doors…
I love how she basically ended up saying that after 24 years she didn’t understand the process of inviting witnesses to hearings.
Bernice, you ignorant slut……
I watched all of that. Although it doesn’t affect what i do here.
One thing i didn’t hear from any of the supporters of that bill was to also take into account street legal race vehicles. Only pure competition vehicles.
If that bill goes through the way it’s being proposed then any street legal vehicle that is modified in any way from std will be illegal. Only vehicles deregistered for road use will be considered exempt. And, that selling parts for street legal race vehicles will also be deemed to be illegal.
I would be worried if i lived in the USA…
The congressmen, SEMA, and Mr. Sheheen are doing a great job protecting us. They really seem to have a good understanding of our concerns. Sounds like the EPA does not have a leg to stand on but I don’t think they are going to give up without a real fight. If the RPM act is not passed by congress I’m afraid we will be looking over our shoulder forever. Email your congress people, if you don’t like the response don’t vote for them.
I agree with mr threedoor above,that Obamacare ruling is going to eventually cram this crap down our throats.
Someday people who get less than 30mpg will be made to wear a yellow star, we will be loaded on train cars and brought to work camps under the guise of fuel savings.