This guy is both the gutsiest and most deftly skilled trucker we have seen in a while! We know how stuff like this starts. The guy got the truck a little sideways one day and progressively took it deeper and deeper through the turn until one day at lunch he mentioned that he could drift it right to the door. His coworkers called him names and it was on. The man is now a BangShift hero. That’s living the dream ladies and gentleman….that is living….the…dream.
Your eyes will bug out like ours did when the camera pulls over and you see that this guy is heading for the shop overhead door pretty much sideways and at opposite lock. The best part? He sticks that big mother through the door straight as an arrow. He shows an incredible amount of control and driving skill, especially when he gets the thing through the door because he knew exactly how much throttle to feed the truck to get the rear end to stop sliding sideways and start pushing forward. We’re guessing that he’s done this about 10,000 times. We’re also guessing that he’s sweat out a couple of those attempts, cheating what should have been certain doom heading through the door.
This is one highly skilled and gutsy dude. Hit the link and see his skills and bravery on display!