
the car junkie daily magazine.


Tank on Empty.com – How Far Can You Roll Past E? This Site Will Tell You!

Tank on Empty.com – How Far Can You Roll Past E? This Site Will Tell You!

For the most part, buying gas for your daily driver sucks. Pumping some of that sweet high-test into your hot rod is an entirely different deal, but standing in the crappy weather and filling up the econobox or pickup truck is tedium. That’s the reason we normally drive our cars until they are sucking the very last of the fumes in the tank. It’s kind of a fun game to push the car as far past E as possible and we found a website that has turned it into a science.

TankonEmpty.com is a website dedicated to the “study” of how far you can drive your heap past the E on the fuel gauge. We can already hear you screaming about how driving the car low on fuel all the time is going to kill the in-tank pump, and that you’re going to suck up all the junk at the bottom of the tank (of course, we always wonder why that same junk is not at the bottom of the tank when it’s full, but that’s a different story). But there’s always that rare occasion when you’re rocking out to sweet tunes on the radio, bombing down the highway between exits and you glance down to see the needle laying all the way over on the wrong side of the gauge.

Do a little research on this site and you can avoid a full panic situation. You can see how many people have reported how far they have gone past E and the database is searchable for about half a zillion different cars. Search away!

LINK: TankOnEmpty.com

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