
the car junkie daily magazine.


Weirdest Build Ever: Guy Builds Mustang Completely Out of Paper and Glue

Weirdest Build Ever: Guy Builds Mustang Completely Out of Paper and Glue

We’ve told people to “get a hobby” before but this is the first time we think that someone should probably be told to stop having a hobby. As this crazy story goes, a man sold his classic Mustang to buy an engagement ring for the love of his life. Apparently heartbroken, the man then decided to build and entire Mustang, mock engine and all, out of paper and glue. It is referred to in this linked story as a piece of artwork and it is titled, “One Piece at a Time” like the old Johnny Cash song.

Despite the fact that we think the car’s constructor, Jon Brand is completely out of his mind, we’re awed by his work, even more so when we learned that he did this all by hand and straight out of his brain. There was no computer modeling and patterning or advanced digital files with measurements and specs for the Mustang to get proportions and measurements right. He used brain and photos of classic Mustangs to make everything look correct.

Brand is Canadian and we know how cold those winters get up there. It was either extreme cold or a whole bunch of high test Molson beer that brought this idea along!

Since we’re legally not allowed to operate scissors due to a longstanding court order, we cannot attempt to recreate this project. That being said, just due to lack of fine motor skills and coordination we’d bleed out from paper cuts before the rear quarter panels were done.

In all seriousness, you have to respect this guy’s work, although we have absolutely no interest in ever attempting anything like it!

Hit the link below to see more photos of the paper Mustang!

Link: Man Builds Classic Mustang Out of Paper

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5 thoughts on “Weirdest Build Ever: Guy Builds Mustang Completely Out of Paper and Glue

  1. Doc

    I guess it’s better to have a paper mustang than no mustang at all… he can sit in it and make vroooom vroooooom sound with his mouth.

  2. Harponi

    At least a paper Mustang won’t rust. 🙂
    Seriously though if you have that kinda time why not spend it on building the real thing?

  3. threedoor

    This thing and the room its in has to cost more than the real thing. Does anyone other than me smell government grant for artwork?

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