Only in one aspect can I truly align working behind the counter at (STORE NAME HERE) and the military: the job itself kind of sucks, the leadership blows harder than a Funny Car engine most of the time, but it’s the people you work with that help you make it through the days, and normally that is done with laughter. Even in the most horrid, taxing, absolute quagmire of a crappy day, a little bit of funny goes a long, long way towards making things that much better. It doesn’t matter if it’s a quick jab at one another when the shoppers are just out of earshot, people-watching, or some of the greatest punchlines ever handed out. Maybe a co-worker is on a hell-bent rage with a flyswatter, getting ready to kill the undesirable winged monster that plagues him like a Hitchcock movie. Or, maybe, it just involves a sandwich.
For a while now on the Facebook page, I’ve been working with the page Mechanic Memes. Run by at least one guy out of the Phoenix Metro area, we have plenty in common: we don’t pay Facebook for jack squat, we post simply for fun, and when it comes time to have a little fun, the other guy is usually the target. Case in point is that edible monstrosity pictured: a banana and cheese sandwich.Ok…let’s be frank: I’m normally a human garbage disposal. I’ll eat just about anything…but for the life of me, I couldn’t process this sandwich. Grilled banana and cheese? Is it sweet? Is it savory? Is the guy behind Mechanic Memes pregnant, and if so, does that mean that I have to go get tested to see if I’m the father?! These questions poured through my mind as message after message started to fill my inbox, people asking how I liked my banana and cheese sandwiches.
I’ve got counts to do. I’ve got a delivery truck that is knocking louder than an IRS audit agent, and I’m seconds away from firing someone for ignoring the phones for the thousandth F-ing time today. You’d think that a little bit of Internet fun wouldn’t bother me. But it did…and then, later in the afternoon, when I normally go goofy from being awake the better part of the day, I cut loose on some of the people who sent me messages. I’m particularly proud of this gem:
Dude, I hope to everything holy you refrain from trying it out yourself. Instead, wait until I deliver some of these tasty morsels to the store…after some of the “help” I got today, I’m half-tempted to introduce the new workers to what I’m dubbing the “Ex-Lax Lottery”. Which sandwich has extra-special chocolate inside? Only the bagged one knows!
What is it with mechanics – I had a friend (who was a line mechanic then opened his own shop) who loved his pickle and mayo sandwiches. There is much that is frightfully wrong with you all.