Kaboom! This Nissan’s Differential Makes A Grand Exit On The Starting Line At TX2K16!

Kaboom! This Nissan’s Differential Makes A Grand Exit On The Starting Line At TX2K16!

Test and tune runs aren’t supposed to be brutal on parts unless you just flat-oh didn’t bother to tune up your ride. You line up, make a pass and double-check your setup…not apologize profusely to the track staff and the poor sap who is going to clean up when your rear axle says “screw this” and bails the entire program like this Nissan’s did! The little V8-swapped Hardbody sounds damn stout at the line, and as light as it is, should have just blown the tires clean off if anything. But when the track is gripping hard, a good shock to the running gear like a hard launch is more than enough to expose a weakness, and sure enough this guy found it. The whole pinion setup escapes for freedom with shrapnel punching a hole in the gas tank, just for good measure. And it’s not like he was on the stock Nissan rear, either…that’s a Ford nine-inch that just grenaded in fine style!

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