Terrifying Video: Watch A Lamborghini Huracan Crash At More Than 200mph On A Public Highway In Hungary (In-Car and Aftermath Video)

Terrifying Video: Watch A Lamborghini Huracan Crash At More Than 200mph On A Public Highway In Hungary (In-Car and Aftermath Video)

Before you ask, yes there are speed limits on the highways in Hungary. A road like the one you will see this video has a speed limit of 80mph according to the information we have been able to dig up. The guy in this video tops the car out at about 205mph a couple of times. The video of him performing these acts of stupidity were taken by a passenger and obviously that guy picked the wrong friend to trust while driving at 200mph in shorts…on a public road…with traffic in the other lane. You know that the driver is a pro when you see him reach out with his pinky finger to actuate the paddle shifter. There is a level of craziness that you can buy a car that is so powerful and advanced in this day and age that you can blaze down the road at 205mph with in your shorts, boat shoes, and shifting with your pinky finger. Unfortunately there are some things that this driver didn’t have, like talent or a clue about the forces he was dealing with at those speeds. The thing that looks like overcooked meatloaf in the lead photo? That’s the car post crash after it burned to the ground. Both of the guys lived somehow. This video was released by the Hungary police yesterday, although the wreck happened in September. Presumably this was done to let people know how bad an idea this type of stuff is.

We got tipped off to the video below by the boys at Hussey Performance (click their name to see their stuff) you know those guys, they make some of the finest copper head gaskets in the known universe and they make ’em for everything from AMCs to nitro burning engines of all shapes and sizes. Anyway, we mention that because even those hardcore dudes saw this video and pulled the double face palm like we did. Even if this guy was a skilled racer, doing something like this repeatedly in traffic is suicidal. The other people on the road can change lanes, pull out, or generally act clueless like they always do and kill you. In the case of a car like this, you may actually live (like these guys did) and you’d end up killing those people. Don’t think it hasn’t happened before. Remember the Gumball 3000 rally guys that killed the elderly people in Albania a couple of years ago? An exotic smashed into a car that pulled out in front of them. The miracle here is not so much that these guys lived but that they didn’t take anyone with them. Fools.

As you will see below, this was a really good idea until it wasn’t and the change between those two was instantaneous. Like hearing the words on a crashed plane’s flight recorder the panicked screams of the driver and passenger when it all goes wrong pretty much tell the whole story. Freaking pinky shifter.

Thanks to Hussey Performance copper gaskets for the tip – CLICK HERE TO SEE THEIR WEBSITE


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16 thoughts on “Terrifying Video: Watch A Lamborghini Huracan Crash At More Than 200mph On A Public Highway In Hungary (In-Car and Aftermath Video)

  1. jreken

    “Left lane Dicks” in this country make runs like this impossible. It’s dangerous enough when your only doing 75+.

    1. Nobody

      The only “dicks” I see are the ones who think that our public interstate highway system is their private drag strip/race track. Some of us are just trying to get to work and back home, in one piece.

          1. threedoor

            No doubt, Atlanta drivers are some of the stupidest Ive ever been around in my entire life. Doing 80+ bumper to bumper south of Atlanta just before Christmas one year we had some gal tailgating us (about 5-10 feet) flashing her high beams and having a melt down in an F150 for about ten miles. There was no where to go as the knot of traffic stretched for miles in either direction but oh they dont think YOU should go a tenth of a mile an hour under the ten miles an hour over the speed limit in the left lane you are doing. That crap gets people killed. Glad I dont live in the south anymore where evolution isnt weeding them out fast enough.

  2. 50tbrd88

    Trying to wrap my head around how they survived this…or how freakin’ dumb you’d have to be to drive 200+ on public roads.

  3. Luther Hopp

    The blinking/flashing ads that are to the right of all photos and videos now are NOT an effective way to generate revenue for your advertisers. I’m not sure who sold you on this idea but the result is negative.

  4. Scott Liggett

    Most likely cause was someone not seeing this guy flying down the left lane at triple the speed limit and changed lanes in front of him. At those speeds, he needs a mile to react.

  5. Tom P

    Every time i’m in the left lane these are the people are behind me wanting to pass. The only reason they aren’t doing 210mph behind me is because they are in a minivan instead of a Lambo.

  6. Bobby J

    I get it when people love their cars. I even get it when guys with small genitals want to get a nice car to make them forget they have small genitals. But where I live is completely jammed, and unless you get up at 6 a.m. on Sunday it doesn’t make much sense to think about driving fast on public roads.
    When I can drive on the roads in the commercials I’ll buy the cars in the commercials.

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