So my nine year old son Tom is saving money to buy himself a go-kart. By the Spring he’ll have a few hundred bucks and that’ll be enough to score him something that’s used and may need a little elbow grease. He’s already mastered the art of cruising craigslist and occasionally wades into the murky waters of eBay as well. Well he gets credit for finding this monster for sale on eBay. Powered by a Boeing turbine engine the thing makes 300lbs of thrust and just looks all kinds of bad ass.
We have no idea what kind of propulsion 300lbs of thrust equals but we’re guessing it is one of those things that will accelerate harder and harder the faster it is going. It does not look like there has been an afterburner rigged up to the engine but that’s always something you could do in the comfort of your own garage anyway.
With two fuel tanks straddling the driver, a single brake on the back axle, and a Batman-esque look and the ability to scare the living daylights out of your neighbors, what’s not to love here? I did have to explain to my son why he could never own something like this for as long as he was living at our house but after we got through that he seemed to get it. An eight horsepower Briggs and Stratton can get a nine year old in enough trouble!
Check out the photos and then hit the link below to see the eBay ad –
At least it has absolutely no visible suspension.