This Rat Freak Bike Has A Mercedes Diesel Drivetrain And Was Built On A Bet In 90 Days – Love It? Hate It?

This Rat Freak Bike Has A Mercedes Diesel Drivetrain And Was Built On A Bet In 90 Days – Love It? Hate It?

This is one that will polarize people right down to the core today and we’re OK with that. All we ask is that in the comments you keep your statements from being profanity filled rants aimed at one person or another. Opinions are welcome, trolls are not. Why are we prefacing the whole thing situation like this? We are because this is the type of vehicle that people have very strong reactions to. One way or the other, nothing about this insane rat freak bike is subtle nor will people’s reactions be to it.

For starters this thing was built on a bet between some buddies. One guy owned an old Mercedes diesel that had been sitting around and after what was some likely industrial level chop busting told his pals that he could build a bike out of parts of the Mercedes and other junk in like three months. Well, he did it and the thing is a one-off, that’s for sure.

Between the rusty parts, the stuff kind of stuck onto it, the big rear fender, the weirdo front end, this one hits some notes that we don’t really like but when you look at the fact that the guy built it himself, likely spent very little dough to make it all work, and clearly rides the hell out it. And it does burnouts, so there’s that.

Whaddya think?!

Press play below to see this Mercedes Diesel powered rat freak bike –

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8 thoughts on “This Rat Freak Bike Has A Mercedes Diesel Drivetrain And Was Built On A Bet In 90 Days – Love It? Hate It?

  1. Dan Barlow

    I like it . A diesel powered bike would just have to be cool . I like rat rods as long as they are built with some symbolence of saftey in mind . It looks realy industrial. Just sitting up against an immovable object roasting the tire , I don’t get that .

  2. Brendan M

    Years ago there were some sweet videos on YouTube of a guy who swapped a john deere 3 cylinder diesel into a modern triumph tiger. I don’t recall any big burnouts, but with all that torque it pulled wheelies like a champ!

  3. Chevy Hatin' Mad Geordie


    Everything seems right and I’d change nothing. I like the idea of diesel bikes – all the torque you can eat and fuel economy to die for. It amazes me how not one of the major motorcycle manufacturers offers one for sale. But even if they did it wouldn’t look half a cool as this beauty.

    By the way – that was the worlds lamest waste of a rear tyre…..

  4. Dan Stokes

    A little actual info:

    The engine is an OM616 which came in the 240Ds for many years. From what I can see the trans is a Getrag 4 speed which Mercedes fitted in 82/83 240D manuals and I’ve heard tales that some older 240s had them. Earlier 240s had a Mercedes-made trans that was cast iron and had a removable bell housing. There wasn’t a great pic but the bell housing seemed to be integral and aluminum.

    The problem with this drive train – HEAVY and no power. Notice the lack of turbo. My OM617 w/turbo was only 126 HP flywheel and IIRC the OM616 was only 78 HP or so. With a lot of work I’m up to 224 rear wheel (DynoJet) and I’ll wager that motor is tired and unmodified so probably 75 HP or so but lots of torque.

    As far as the bike – some clever ideas but with anything “rat” I have to ask “why not finish it and paint the poor thing?”.


    1. Brendan M

      Hey Dan, if I owned a Mercedes diesel, I’d want you for a neighbor.
      By the way, nice work with your truck in Ohio. Did you ever hit the 130mph goal?

      1. Dan Stokes

        Not quite but close – 129.6083. So the track record in F/DT at The Ohio Mile will never be 130…..


  5. Big g

    The pics don’t do it justice. I’m not a fan of the front end but from the forks back the bike is awesome. Saw it in person at grafton il and has a ton of details that make it very surprising that he got it done that quick. The large wrenches,saddle,and ammo box just look cool and the dude should be proud

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