
the car junkie daily magazine.


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This Is What Happens When You Let Idiots Tow Stuff! Scary Entertainment

After my rant the other day about people towing stuff wrong and not knowing how to back up, I got an email from BangShifter extraordinaire Greg Rourke who said he had something good and entertaining...

Rough Start: TWO Mazda RX-7s To Cover Just About Any Motorsport You Could Want To Try!

If you’re shopping for a car on a budget, you are probably shopping for everything on a budget. Using that logic, if there was a “buy two for the price of one” deal, you’d...

This Is Our Final Gallery Of Photos From The Mooneyes X-Mas Party And Drags!

That’s all folks! Until next year, when we do it all over again. Although we’re wondering where the new home of the Mooneyes X-Mas Party and Drags will be for 2016 since Irwindale will...

Dyno Video: This AMC Spirit Is Kicking Out 433 Horsepower At The Wheels – Bet It’s A Lot Of Fun On The Street!

When you review the history of American Motors, it becomes apparent that making it to 1987 was actually nothing short of a miracle. After reaching their height about 1971 or so, AMC took a steady...

Road Trip Cars And Cones Is On! Join Us In May 2016 For One Hell Of An On-Road Party!

Road Trip! We love road trips, and this one has been in the works for years. Literally! After talking this one to death, it is finally happening. Cars and Cones. That’s right, the road trip...

This 1979 Ford F250 Is Large And In Charge On Boggers Which Rules!

Boggers are the finest off-road tires ever produced. Okay, so anyone who has actually owned something with them on knows that you pay a price for all that awesomeness, but they still rule. So it is...

SCTA El Mirage: More LSR Racing Shots From The End Of The Year Run!

(Photos: Zane McNary) If there is one facet of land speed racing that Brian Lohnes is constantly harping on as a bonus, it is the freedom of the rules…you can do pretty much whatever the hell...

This Pro Street 1970 Dodge Coronet Is HEMI And Lenco Equipped! Bitchin Cubed!

I’m going to go out on a limb here and say that this is the coolest Coronet we’ve ever had here on BangShift.com. Just look at it, it’s beautiful. And it’s got 528 cubic...

Early Christmas Shopping Ideas: Going For That One Big Gift For The Gearhead? How About A Ready-To-Go 1964 Plymouth Drag Car?

We had to do a double take and make sure that this Plymouth wasn’t already sitting at Jensen Masters’ Short Street Rod Shop, because it would not look out of place. We aren’t going...

Why Don’t More People Race These Things? This Daytona Is Awesome And A Deal!

When Factory Five came out with their Cobras and then Daytona and then the GTM, and their latest the 818, we thought you would see gobs of them racing. And we know that there are a lot of the Cobras...

Gates Auto Salvage Tour: We Look At The Cast-Aside Work Trucks That Rest And Rust In Vermont

As much as we all would hope to find a yard filled with nothing but the desirable parts of automotive history that span between 1930 and the present, the more likely scenario is that between the gems...

Rough Start: This Rough Mustang II is A Perfect Candidate For A Rally Car!

I’ll straight-up admit it: seeing the Maverick playing in the gravel with a bunch of brick-like Volvos and Subarus at the Northwest RallySprint got my gears turning. I cut my teeth on...

This Twin-Turbo, Small Tire Impala SS Is A Beast! 4.81@161 In The Eighth Mile!

Is it weird for me to say that the B-body Impala SS is starting to become the forgotten performance car of the 1990s? I know that 260 horsepower isn’t squat anymore, but in 1994 it was a reason...

More Customs, Hot Rods, And Trucks From The Mooneyes X-Mas Party And Drags 2015

The Mooneyes X-Mas Party and Drags 2015 might be the last to be held at Irwindale Speedway since it’s impending close date is still up in the air. But the mood was not dampened by this...