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Watch And Listen To This Whipple Blown 426 Gen III Hemi Stroker Make Over 1,000hp On The Dyno

If we have one piece of advice for late model muscle cars fans that are NOT of the Chrysler variety, when you see a car equipped with an Arrington Performance decal or logo, run the other way and...

Scrapple, The Holiday Roast Edition! Here’s What’s Worth Flame-Broiling For The End Of The Season!

This isn’t a “best of” deal for the festivities…no, no…that would undermine the idea behind Scrapple in the first place: finding the most random and barely-worthy...

Young New Hampshire Man Dead, Maine Man Injured When Tire Explodes – Techs, Please Be Safe Out There

The images you see both above and below depict a heavy duty tire exploding inside an inflation safety cage. The steel bars of that cage are deflecting because of the massive forces involved. Now...

All-Included Racing: The Calder Park Street Drags Event, Where Everything From A Twin-Turbo Shelby Mustang To A Wicked Toyota Starlet Come Out To Play!

Burnout cars, utes, Holdens and Falcons. You would think that encompasses all of Australia’s motoring scene. It does capture a side of it, yes, but only one side. Australia’s location...

NitroArtVideo Released Their “Wild Rides” Of 2015 – Carnage, Great Saves, Legendary Flight

We respect lunatics that hustle like we do during the racing season at Kevin Maurer at NitroArtVideo is one of those guys. This dude is at dozens of racing events a year all across the southern part...

Rough Start: Stretching The Budget A Bit, But Where Else Are You Going To Find A Convertible Ford Crown Victoria?

If we ever stretch past the budget in one of our Rough Start features, it is because we feel that the car is close enough to the spirit of the budget to warrant a look, and that’s where we find...

eBay Find: Is This The First Ford Dump Truck Ever Equipped With A Hydraulic Bed? 1929 Ford Model AA

This dusty old 1929 Ford Model AA truck looks like lots of other old trucks that have been dragged out of bars and dark corners over the years but there’s a massive difference with this one....

Call To Action: Does Anyone Know Whose Camaro and Trailer This Is?

Thieves suck, period. This year we’ve heard lots about someone’s car being stolen, or someone’s shop being broken into, and honestly it turns our stomach. We know how much time,...

Watch As The Crew Of An SR-71 Blackbird Prepare To Launch Out For Flight – It Was A Lot Of Work To Put One Of These Supersonic Marvels Into The Air!

It has been seventeen years since the last flight of the Lockheed SR-71 “Blackbird” spy plane, and fifty-one years have passed since the spy plane first flew. Nothing since has touched...

Unknown Parts Counter Guy: The Christmas Memorandum – Before You Start Decking Holly, Jingling Bells, And Slamming Eggnog, Take A Moment And Read This

ATTENTION TO EMPLOYEES:  Greetings, minions. We have made it to the end of the year…which means that if you haven’t got the Christmas music going, you might want to get on it as soon as...

Is This Operating W-32 Engine The Greatest Miniature Of All Time? Construction And “Run” Video –

47cc displacement, 2,500 work hours, 850 pieces, and 650 screws. That is what Motores Patelo put int constructing this amazing W-32 engine that we think could be the greatest miniature ever built....

How Driveshaft’s Are Built At Mark Williams Enterprises. Way Cool Stuff

Driveshafts can cause A LOT of problems if they are not properly spec’d and not built correctly. Brian has seen first hand what a stock shaft will do if you just spin it too fast, even with...

A Hovering 1984 Camaro For Sale: Harrier Jet Meets Camaro! We Contact The Seller!

WTF? Yeah, that’s what we said when we got the email tip from BangShifter Mark Brown. The email conversation went something like this… Mark – ” Here’s one for you...

Don Schumacher Racing Didn’t Buy Them All! The New TBS500 Top Fuel Billet Intake Is Awesome!

Looking at a Top Fuel Dragster or Funny Car, one might think that ANY intake manifold would work with that much blower on top. And to some extent that’s correct. Stuff air and fuel through it...