
the car junkie daily magazine.


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Monday Shopper: Ok, The Multi-Million Dollar Cars Have Sold. Can We Go Back To Cool Old Muscle, Like This 1972 Dodge Challenger Rallye 340, Please?

Pebble Beach does strange things to otherwise intelligent, well to do people…like cause them to blow millions of dollars on a fifty-four year old roadster that was built solely to keep Carroll...

Get Up Close With A Running, Snorting McLaren M8F Can-Am Vintage Race Car

It’s no secret that we at BangShift love the McLaren M8 Can-Am cars: They’re absolutely brutal machines with big displacement, big noise, big power, and requiring big commitment from a driver. As...

BangShift Tune-Up: “Rolling” by Soul Coughing (1998)

Now here’s a flashback if there ever was one. In the late 1990s, Cartoon Network would fill a break in-between shows every now and then with a spot they called “Groovies”. The...

Jegs.com Street Car Super Naitonals III: Anarchy at the Arch Returns To Gateway This Weekend!

That’s right folks, if you aren’t going to be in St. Louis for the Jegs.com Street Car Super Nationals III: Anarchy at the Arch, then you are going to miss out on huge purses, insane...

See ALL Of BangShift.com’s Bonneville Speed Week 2016 Photo And Record Coverage Right Here

Update: We have so much coverage already, and it’s only day four of seven at Bonneville Speed Week 2016. To make it easier on you to find each and every photo, record announcement, record...

Video: 80 Year Old Ex-Drag Racer Jumps Onto Thieves Truck When They Steal His Bike

When we say this one, we had to laugh. Mostly because we know it is the kind of dumb crap we would pull if someone was stealing our stuff. So 80 year old Jerry is minding his own business after...

Question Of The Day: Where’s The Other Third Of This 1988 Mercury Grand Marquis?

Confession: I’ve always wanted a two-door 1988-1991 Mercury Grand Marquis. Compared to the 1987 and older Marquis coupes that Mercury did sell, the lines look smoother and aged better in my...

Could This 1982 American Motors Concord Wagon Be The Surf Wagon You Didn’t Know You Needed?

AMC made something other than Jeeps and the Eagle Wagon after 1982? Huh…didn’t really know that. Maybe it was because every station wagon AMC cranked out seem to come in the same...

This Baja Bug May Not Be The Cheapest, But Man Is It A Bad Ass

I don’t know what it is about Baja Bugs, but they speak to me. I went to school with a guy that had a blue one that was just evil, and ever since I’ve had this passion for them. Someday...

Unhinged: …And They Just Kept Coming, By The Hundreds

At some point, I have to stop saying that I’m new to this game. I have to become a touch cynical, a touch…I don’t know how quite to word this without coming off like an...

Buy This Rolling Race Car Chassis For $2000 And Drop Any Body On It You Like!

Cars like Mike Dusold’s Camaro piss people off. That’s because his car is a tube chassis equipped ride that is taking a Camaro to a whole new level. Now Mike did all the work to develop...

Mat It And Hang On: Watch Danny Smith Throw His “Warfare” Rockbouncer Up A Very Slick Cable Hill!

Cable Hill at Grey Rock ORV Park in Alabama is one of the most infamous hills in the world of rock bouncer racing. It’s composed of mostly slate rock, usually wet and/or muddy, in layers that...

Need Your Sunday Morning Bonneville Speed Week 2016 Fix? Here You Go!

It’s only been two days since Bonneville Speed Week 2016 ended, and not only am I already missing the salt, but also scheming for what we should be racing there next year. Like everyone who...

Rough Start: This 1984 Ford Thunderbird Turbo Coupe Five-Speed Needs Nothing!

Fox hunting is almost too easy on Craigslist. It’s simple: pick your body, pick your tolerance for condition, plug in a number and mile range and go. If you aren’t stuck on Mustangs,...