What’s a Hollywood Top? Watch the video below and you’ll find out, as Karl and his buddies cut the roof off of his brother Benny’s Impala. If it seems a bit extreme to cut the roof off a car, that’s because it is. But when you are in pursuit of something cool, how can you stop? I’ve been wanting to cut the roof off of a 4-door full-size sedan for a while now, so this video spoke to me. I’d like to cut it all the way off, weld the top of the doors shut like a roadster, and then drive it all summer. Wouldn’t you?
Let’s see what kind of trouble Benny and Karl are getting into in this one.
Video Description:
This week on Make It Kustom Unleashed, I head over to Benny’s shop to help give him give his 1970 Chevy Impala a little makeover where we hollywood the top! Don’t know what that means? Stay tuned to find out!