Growing up in a stick shift racing family means I’ve got lots of experience with a Hurst Competition Plus shifter. Hurst shifters have been the go to upgrade for stick shift cars for decades, but it turns out you can make them even better with some simple mods. I know that my dad always used Hurst shifters in his Camaro, including the Hurst Super Shifter when he raced with a Super T10, but if you want a shifter that fits under the floor means a Hurst Competition Plus shifter is in order. That doesn’t mean that you can’t speed shift your 4-speed, even with a stock Competition Plus shifter. But if you want the ultimate shifting capabilities, here are a couple of mods that will make these even better!
Video Description:
Paul Cangialosi shows us his modification tricks he uses on new Hurst Competition Plus shifters he sells. Some modifications may be applied to older shifters when being rebuilt. Website: Store: Email: [email protected] Shifter Repair / Upgrade :