We have to thank BangShifter ElkyGuy for this great find. The truck is a Jeep FC (forward control) pickup that has been highly modified into a sort of hunting luxury yacht which they can get into the woods and haul lots of meet out. We’re not sure what the first modification was that he added to the truck but the whole thing is completely and insanely awesome. If you went with your buddies to a race in this thing as an infield rig, you WOULD be the show, no doubt about it.
There’s an exoskeleton that has been added and that structure provides for the addition of an assortment of platforms and stands where a hunter could lie in wait for many hours until the perfect game animal made the worst mistake of its life and walked into your scope’s view. We’re not sure what the lower level of the caged trailer is for. The stock engine is located in the stock place. It is a flathead inliner that looks right at home in that truck. While making it glacially slow.
Here’s the text from the CL ad:
59 Jeep Willys FC 170 4×4 Project Almost Done —– single Seats in cab and on bed Recovered now (bench on dog box still tan ) — Hunting rig – Dog box – – Roof rack seating — Game hoist – 8000 warn – Or great parade rig – list goes on – NOW $11250 obo Trades welcome NEEDS TO GO no room to store NEED CASH NOW !!! Trailer NOT INCLUDED but will sell for right deal —– Trade for nice RV – motorhome – 5th wheel – or bumper pull ( Must be nice) —- Razor – Ranger – Model A or T – Muscle car – Vette ( any condition cars or ratrods ) – Enclosed 2 car trailer – or ? list goes on What ya have ? May do Strait trade even if I trade down if its what I want
Would make a good roving BangShift broadcast booth.
This is what happens when a guy goes to his shop, looks around and things: “Well, I have a mig and a couple hundred feet of stock… what to weld, what to weld…” and then turns around and finds his Dad’s truck.
I’d buy it except I have no idea what to do with it.
It’d be worth owning and parking on the driveway (probably too tall for my garage) just to disturb the yuppie neighbors & amuse the good old boy cops.
Reminds me of that video from (I think) The Netherlands shown on TV a few times of the guys with the platform on the front of a car so it tilts forward when they stop.
Bring camo.