As we are now just days away from Christmas we hope that you’ll either be able to hang out with family, catch up with family, or otherwise surround yourself with people that you love over the span of the next week or so. Speaking of being surrounded by people that you love, this video which is about John Force but actually stars his team, and his bouncing grandkids is really great. It gives a real picture into the Force family and into the guy who has immortalized himself as being one of the greatest to ever don a fire suit. I’ve had the opportunity to see how John interacts with these kids up close and personal and allow me to tell you that this video is not about capturing some “out of the norm” moments. This is how the guy rolls all the time. He loves these boys and they certainly love him. More than once I have gone to stab a mic in John’s face only to see him horsing around with one of the kids in the tow car after a run. He’s a good grand-dad, at least from what I have been able to see when the cameras are off and the microphones are silent.
The guy is as driven and intense a competitor that any form of racing has ever known. He’s coming off a winter where lots of people are counting him out due to crew chief changes, sponsor changes, and all sorts of upheaval in what is one of the largest drag racing operations on Earth. Here’s the thing, you shouldn’t waste a lot of time with that attitude towards Force because as history has proven, the man can find a way to win even under some pretty terrible circumstances. We’re talking times that make recent headlines look like cake and ice cream announcements at a kid’s birthday party.
At this time of his life, John’s core are his daughters, his family, and his crew. These two little guys that love their granddad so much that it just comes across so naturally are a huge part of who he is and why he’s still out there doing it. This video isn’t some PR piece, it is not polished, it is not anything but cool. Give it a watch and we think that you’l dig it.
I have talked to him at a couple
Of different events ,
always takes time out to talk to his fans .
those Grandkids are lucky to have
grandfather like him !
It’s AWESOME he let’s
them be a part
of what he does
He is doing it the right way. Hope he can continue his way as long as he want to.
Nothing Like Grand Kids to make Us old guys feel Young !
I have always like all Drag Racer, big time guys and local characters too. Last year My wife and I were at the “Pro Warm-up” at WestPalmBeach for the first time ever. At the end of day when Force was getting ready to leave the track for his hotel he was about to get in his ride to leave, he was about 40 feet away from us while we were just looking at his “pit set/up”…….he spotted my Wife (68 years old), put down his leather carrying bag and walked over to talk with her and sign an autograph for her. She couldn’t believe he did that. Little did John Force know that he had made a total stranger and cancer patient so excited to be there. She is still alive and we hope to travel down from the snowy North to be there again. I will always have a special spot in my heart for John Force.