
the car junkie daily magazine.


2015 Grand National Roadster Show: More Wide Open Photo Coverage From The Huge Show

2015 Grand National Roadster Show: More Wide Open Photo Coverage From The Huge Show

Normally when we go to cover a car show, we shoot photos of the stuff that we think is cool or that catches our eye. In the case of the 2015 Grand National Roadster Show that was every flipping car. Yesterday we showed you our first photos from the event and we’re going to keep that train rolling today. Chad is actually back at the show blasting away right now because on Saturday the gates are thrown open and hundreds more cars stream in further populate the show. What that means is that we’ll have wall to wall photos of this baby for days on end! In order to keep you from spending 23 hours a day on your ‘puter, we’re busting these photos up into small groups for your viewing pleasure.

What you’ll see in here are a wide range of hot rods and trucks with a special concentration on 1940 Fords. There was a building at the show which was LOADED with 1940s Fords and they ranged from survivors to traditionally hot rodded cars that we’d sell an organ to own. As far as engines go, this group of photos is pretty strong there, too. The W-Chevy engine in the Ford below is one of the coolest but if you like Nail and flatheads you’ll have plenty to stare at.

Great stuff in the California sun (or under the lights in a building but you get the idea!)


Grand National Roadster Show 2015 hot rod gasser008

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