Back when I was a freshman in high school I cam remember walking along the sidewalk and being jealous of the older kids with their cars. One specific afternoon I saw a kid go hauling tail by me in a Chevette which I thought was funny because traffic was at a standstill directly ahead. Sure enough he plowed into the line of sitting cars. The really bad part? His girlfriend’s head was about halfway through the safety glass windshield in the car. It was a really freaky thing. It shook me up so bad and I learned so much of a lesson…who am I kidding. I shrugged it off and went home and proceeded to drive like an idiot for years without a seatbelt on. Thankfully nothing bad happened to be but I am definitely among the converted these days in my old age. The guy in this video below? He missed the memo and even when you are at low speeds you need to have yourself strapped in so you don’t like bash the windshield of your classic truck out with your face, which he does.
We’re not sure where this was filmed but it sure looks tropical. The mud is really goopy and thick, there are some deep ruts, and there is some sort of dirt/rock obstacle that he is trying to get his truck over. The truck has some shapes that remind us of a Jeep but we’re not sure what the heck it is. The stance and engine sound have us believing that a more modern engine is making the power and a more modern suspension is holding the thing off the ground.
On his first attempt he makes a decent effort to climb the thing and like us, he is thinking that more momentum is the ticket. He lines ‘er up and wings the motor sending the truck at the hill with a good head of steam. We’re not sure what he hits but there must have been a stump or something low that the front axle hit because this thing stops RIGHT NOW. If you watch it a couple of time you can see him launch forward off the seat and blast his face into the windshield like the Kool-Aid man busting through a wall. Oh Yeah!
The moral of the story? Wear a seatbelt. Please.