We love a good Unimog video around here and any good Unimog video includes one of these unstoppable machines conquering the wilderness and doing something that seems impossible at first blush. In this video that task is acting like a log skidder and hauling some massive logs out of the woods. The only thing that is even more cool about this whole deal is the fact that the Unimog is doing it in a pit of DEEP gumbo-like muck.
As we start the video it looks like all hope is lost and the rig is stuck. In fact the opposite it true and the driver has simply stopped to winch a few additional felled trees into his bunch before proceeding out of the wilderness. This Unimog has massive tires on it that have obviously been spec’d out to do the job at hand. Normally they have more truck-like tires on them that do not have the huge lugs that these tractor tires do. The lugged tires act almost like paddles in this mud and move the truck, and the trees through without trouble.
We dig the dozer blade on the front of this truck as well. That’s a piece of the puzzle that all log specialized log skitters have in place as well. It was American poet Theodore Roethke that once wrote, “What we need is more people who specialize in the impossible.” The guys who designed the original Unimog did just that. Their simple tractor that allowed farmers in Europe to work their fields and drive to town has grown and morphed into the most useful and adaptable vehicle on planet Earth, bar none.
Notice how thing this doesn’t eve sweat in a situation that would swallow most mere mortal trucks up whole!