
the car junkie daily magazine.


The Curious Case Of The Floating Chinese Cars In This Video Ain’t Really All That Curious

The Curious Case Of The Floating Chinese Cars In This Video Ain’t Really All That Curious

When it comes right down it, everything has a logical explanation and while that may remove lots of “magic” from the world it does help people sleep better at night. The video below looks like it could be clipped from some sort of horror movie. You know the drill. A weird occurrence in some far off location acts as the harbinger of doom for the rest of the planet and it all begins with some grainy closed circuit video catching it all. Thankfully the only people in the horror movie were there poor bastards in the cars getting flung around like match box toys. But how did it happen? Here’s where we go from the insane to the mundane, and near Russian in its boneheadedness.

Apparently there was wire which was going to be run between a couple of poles at this intersection. The wire was laying coiled up in the road and apparently would have been fine there, had a street sweeping truck not showed up on its appointed rounds. That’s the big box on wheels that you’ll see on the right in the video. Once the street sweeper brushes got hold of the wire, it reeled it in like there was a fish on the other end. Meanwhile, the cars on the left side of the intersection are on top of said wire and things get weird in a hurry. Those vehicles got picked up, flung around, and generally messed with because of that wire. Obviously the little vans are not all that heavy but it picks them up like they are made of air and the way they dance around, those thing could be.

So there you have it. Today’s creepy looking but altogether logical video of weird stuff happening in China.

Press play below and check out the weird looking video with the sadly mundane story

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1 thoughts on “The Curious Case Of The Floating Chinese Cars In This Video Ain’t Really All That Curious

  1. Chevy Hatin' Mad Geordie

    No lads – you are WAY off the mark!

    There is a very pissed off pedestrian off-camera who was in a hurry to cross as he was late for a martial arts class. Now he just happened to be an adept at T’siang-wa-ho which is the art of moving large objects by the force of the mind.

    And boy was he pissed!

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