Last week, we found a Pro Street 1964 Pontiac GTO that was just totally bad ass. That car was perfect on just about every level. This week, we found another Pro Street machine, this a 1955 Ford F100 truck. It appears to be an older build and some of the high points hit in the add made us a little skeptical of the truck.
The good parts? Probably the biggest one is the 428ci Cobra Jet engine under the hood. That motor should hustle this truck right on down the line. The transmission is not mentioned but we’re thinking is is a C6 automatic.
While we’re not adverse to the hue of yellow on the outside of the truck, the matching interior is tough to stomach, the big wing coming out of the bed is not making the truck any faster, and the fact that the seller is touting the “nitrous system with polished bottle” leads us to believe that this truck hasn’t ever seen a droplet of nitrous into the motor. The solenoids and stuff are all there though! The scoop is tough stuff as well.
The look could be modernized pretty easily, any most of our beefs are cosmetic. Despite the obvious violations, making the loud pedal touch carpet may immediately erase all of our concerns.
Would you rock this truck as is?
Source — — 1951 Ford F100 Pro Street
Man seeing all of those non Ford Truck parts in this machine is like a punch in the stomach but it is nice to see that they didn’t too much alteration to the body of the truck. The color is a little off putting but that could be fixed and same with the interior. This truck could look beautiful if it was fixed up.