Why the hell is a steel-gray Chrysler Newport four-door on the front page of BangShift today? Easy: it’s freaking winter. That means that the “toy” is put up, and it’s time to bring out the ugly one…you know, the car that is more durable than pretty. It looks rougher than a trucker in the middle of a month-long haul, smells just about the same, and other than the fact that it works, every day, without fail, there isn’t much more to the deal. Lohnes likes his big trucks and I like what my family had dubbed “war cars”: looks be damned, it’ll start, run, and drive on, over, or directly through whatever in the hell is in the way. Deer? Whoops…free venison! Three-foot snowdrift? This monster will clear a path! Look…my weakness for mid-70s Mopars is very well-documented here, but the only thing I could possibly want to save are those seats for some interesting man-cave furniture. Or you could put them on eBay and recoup at least half of the cost of the car, and if the running gear makes it through Spring, there’s the other half of the cost! Mopar hoarders collectors are a curious bunch and will pay for it. The running gear is straightforward and stout: 400ci, 727 automatic, and enough weight to make sure the car finds the roadway. Oh, and enough bumper to make small impacts nothing and larger impacts nothing for you to worry about. Sure, your all-wheel-drive SUV or crossover will get you there, but nothing will get you there with more fun than a C-body bomber! What kind of fun would you have with a big cheap Chrysler?
Get the back up a little so the cement bags in the trunk wont have you looking at the sky.Sprayy the bottom with fluid film so it can last more than 2 years too. A set of Firestone town and country snows would go well too.
Drive this mother around any small Minnesota town blasting away with a shotgun dressed in late 70s duds screaming I saw it on Fargo -Yah?
The more I start looking at old big 4 doors the more I want to grab one for winter and the long road trips to the mountain would feel great with this barge
I’d rock it year round….
I like it and I don’t think it needs apologies. I’d drive it anywhere – and you could. All it REALLY needs is a good detailing and maybe a trip thru MAACO. And maintenance. Besides, it’s current owner is a violinist (check the plate) so they can’t be all bad.
Added note – with a big hitch it’ll do well as a trailer hauler.
I’d drive around as a beater as is.
It would be mine for $1200, just to far away.
layhe and ricky winter special !!
Careful, there may be a Samsquantch in the trunk!
I could get this for my old man, he’d love it.
I was scrolling through facebook this morning and spotted something familiar on the bangshift page…I bought this car on 12/15 without knowing it was on here hahaha. Its an absolute tank.