This Is Undoubtedly The Greatest Save Video We Have Ever Seen – No Foolin’

This Is Undoubtedly The Greatest Save Video We Have Ever Seen – No Foolin’

Sure, you are thinking, “What the hell is Lohnes talking about with a save video, the car is clearly crashing in the photo.” Here’s the thing about that. The car isn’t crashing…ok, well technically it is crashing but the dude driving manages to wail the throttle at the right time, saw the wheel at the exact moment necessary, and drive out of what was going to be a really crappy day at the office. The video shows the whole thing in both real time and slow motion. The slow motion stuff is total entertaining because you really get the sense of exactly how boned these guys were when the car landed awkwardly over a jump.

While the most crazy part of the video (visually) is when the car has all four wheels off the ground and  is skidding along on the driver’s door and fenders, don’t discount what happens next. The car decides that it no longer wants to be in that position and instead of going onto the roof like has happened EVERY OTHER TIME IN THE HISTORY OF RACING it actually flops down toward the passenger side and lands so hard the whole business almost flips in that direction! Back on all four wheels, the driver says, “No problem.” The co-driver throws him a thumbs up and they hammer the throttle and head off down the course. This is literally the most amazing save we have ever seen. Sure, lots of it may have been dumb luck, but the dude behind the wheel did play a part, that is for sure!


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