When the weather turns in a lot of the country that means the crazy white stuff starts falling from the sky and while us West Coasters are enjoying nice clear weather all you northern hot rodders have to put your cars away and find other means of motorized fun. In this video you’ll see a group of friends cruising through Detroit on snow mobiles, or snow machines, or whatever you call them out there. Like DOWNTOWN! Past the Casino Boat on the Detroit River Walk, COBO Hall, Ren Cen, and then out onto I 75 for some high speed car passing fun. We’re talking riding right through the heart of down town. It’s awesome to think you can get away with this. Someone please tell us this is allowed! If it is, we want in. I’ve never ridden a snow mobile before, but I’m all over this kind of fun.
Thanks to RTC for sending us the link to this one. If you have other cool snowmobile videos we should see, email me the link! [email protected]
Def lot legal, but in Detroit now adays pretty much anything goes, they also do urban 4 wheeling in the summer on atvs and side by sides
Also street racing mini bikes *equiped with jr dragster motors* gokarts and quads has became popular this year too
Detroit is sounding more and more like the setting of “Escape from New York” every day. I’m just waiting for a guy with an eye patch named Snake to start roaming the streets!
Long pants definitely required for this stuff Chad! Most places up in northern Michigan will have signs about where exactly you’re allowed to ride your snowmobiles.
Got passed once while driving on the highway by a snowmobilist near South Bend, Indiana. That will certainly make you do a double take!
I hope he’s signed his organ donor card.
they didn’t get on I-75 they stayed on the lodge freeway M-10.it still looked cool blowing by those fools in the cars …..and not a cop in sight!
are there any cops in Detroit any more?