
the car junkie daily magazine.


Watch More Crafty Russians Zip Line A Station Wagon Over A Raging River In Siberia With Rope And….Well, Rope!

Watch More Crafty Russians Zip Line A Station Wagon Over A Raging River In Siberia With Rope And….Well, Rope!

So we showed you the video of Russian dudes pulling a sunken SUV out of a lake last week with rope and some logs. Matt Cramer tipped us off to this video of Russians again at work to do something wild with limited resources. Instead of plucking a truck out of a frozen pond, this time they are literally zip lining a station wagon over a raging river in Siberia that seems to have washed out the bridge once used to cross it.

As you’ll see the car has a couple of a-frames over it that carry straps which seems to be hooked onto the lips of the fenders. There is a large main rope or cable running across the river. From a different location, probably on the other side somewhere(?) the rope which moves the car is being pulled. The car inches toward the edge of the cliff and then slides right off, swinging side to side for a second before settling down. Once the car is settled it heads off on its downhill journey to land on the other side. We were shocked to see how much speed it carried over the rapids and we were laughing because it looks like they use a giant tree on the other side as the “stopper” in this operation.

When the car bumps the tree (it doesn’t seem like a hard hit) the video cuts off but you can clearly see logs and some other boards placed on the ground where the car will be lowered onto and then driven up on the grass. Scarily the “ramps” seem to be about half way into the raging Siberian river! We would have liked to have seen the lowering operation but it is crazy enough to witness the car actually make it to the other side. Our last question….how do the people get across? Do they also take the zip line? Think that there was anyone in the car? Sounds like a dumb question but this is Russia after all.

By our tally, that makes the score Mother Nature 0 – Ballsy unstoppable Russians 2. What’ll they do next week? We can hardly wait to see. Oh, and the water spot on the lens is annoying but the coolness of this operation makes it tolerable.


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