It’s difficult to look at your grandparents and see them as anything other than the kind, polite, old couple that spoil you senseless, isn’t it? I never saw my grandpa Ken as anything other than a gentle HAM radio operator, but I’ve had the opportunity to look over his military records…holy hell. My nephew won’t get a chance to meet his grandfather, but it would take a lot of convincing and the picture proof to show that the sly, quiet man with the wicked grin underneath a mustache used to be lean, muscular, and known for wearing shirts with wise-ass sayings on them. Such is the case with YouTuber’s SaabKyle04. His 93-year-old grandfather always had two things he liked about his cars: the chrome, and the dual exhaust. Guess what his 2003 Mercury Grand Marquis is missing? That’s right, the second pipe and the sound that should come with it! Since Borla makes a kit for the Ford Crown Victoria (…wow, didn’t expect that) Kyle goes the full distance and proceeds to give his grandfather’s Mercury some bark. Does “Papa” approve? Hit the play button below and find out!
93 years young…that puts him right at 1923. Imagine all of the stuff this man has seen…
Good kid,nice to see his respect for his grand dad.
Awesome.Brings memories of my Grandfather back.He is why Im a gearhead.
Well done kiddo.
nice story, good family
Nice neighborhood, so I looked it up on Google Earth. There he is edging the curb at 93 years old.,-79.6873419,3a,75y,189.86h,77.51t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1smxOw7AszUBKudkNBlnFQgg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656