How weird and bad is this thing? The guy who sent the tip didn’t even use his real name. That’s saying something. According to the title, you are looking at a 1978 Honda Civic. According to your eyes, you are looking at a lawn tractor and a sandbox mated together with an engine in the front of it. The seller lists the engine as a 360ci Olds. Granted, that engine doesn’t exist on the planet we live on but it may wherever this thing came from. It is important to note that the seller is not the builder. He’s actually the guy that bought this car from the builder. Why did he do that? He wanted to put an old timey truck body on the chassis of the…whatever this is and cruise it. He ran out of time, funds, and was probably tired of loudly gasping every time he walked into his shop, so the who works is for sale. Said vehicle runs and drives. The guy said he has neighborhood cruised it several times but just needs it to disappear now.
We’re just going to leave it at that and allow these photos to elicit whatever natural reaction that they’ll get out of people. We will step out of your way now and request that you post your honest first reactions to this car in the comments section.
its weird to look at some of these abortion type vehicles but to look past the ugliness and think some guy spent a while putting that together, sanding it, painting it etc – surely at some point they stopped for a smoko or a beer break – dunno about you, but those are the moments that I stare at the job I’m in the middle of, taking in the whole thing – why didn’t he think um, wtf am I doing here? this looks like shit….
With a pineapple- sized drink holder, this thing could rule any Micronesia pool party.
I’m thjinkin’ he stopped for quite a few “smokos” . . . of the CHRONIC, MON . . . .
The question I have to ask the guy selling it wpould be…if you are a single father, working full time…what made you think that buying this abortion would be a good thing?
I was looking at it attempting to find a redeeming quality about it and when I noticed the Honda insignia on the front and the hack job on the struts….case closed.
Is that a lawn tractor hood?
I feel bad for the guy at the next car show. “Now the winner of the FUGGLY CLASS is…”
That one looks like it would clean up a lot if you removed the lawn tractor hood and CVCC grille, put a normal street rod radiator shell setup on it and some round headlights. It would still be a bit odd, but not nearly as weird as this.
Plain ugly. Ralph Nader even cried when he saw this thing. Lawn Tractor Rod, not even close to a Rat Rod. Inspired by sniffing glue while reading Julies Verne and Tool Time with Tim Taylor.
Kill it! Kill it with fire!
My mother taught me if I didn’t have anything nice to say then don’t say anything at all.
My mom said the same thing but it still looks like a piece of s—.
At $1200 you are buying a pile of parts with bolts passed through them and snugged up. Most of the parts are useless of course, but what do you want for $1200? The parts could (should?) have been disposed of properly, this guy made them roll around under their own power. Give him a little credit.
Seattle area I’m surprised, usually I expect these sort of things to come from southern meth havens , but with drug legalization in Washington I’m not so surprised anymore
It looks like you could tweak the central point of the frame, where it meets the firewall, just by jumping or stepping on the area near the steering column.
This THING is a chick magnet.
The more you look, the worse it gets.
I like how he mounted a license plate on the front ;an assurance that it’s street legal.
When you wind ‘er up, the sound draws emus from all over and gets them to chase you, and the ghost of Harpo Marx challenging you to a street race.
Who could do this to parts?!
How do we kill it?
It has a soul.
The $eller:’ hey,don’t blame me, I didn’t build it’.
This came from some crap vortex in Washington State.
This feature via BangShift is the best thing that could ever happen to this,THIS,this.
Honestly, I don’t think it’s all that horrible. Sure, it was probably a bad idea in the beginning, but with a bit of elbow grease and a decent set of wheels and change the interior and hood, it wouldn’t look all that bad.
You just missed the opportunity to deliver your Charlie Brown Christmas Tree home for the Holidaze.
First reaction is that it could have been a prop on Doctor Who. Plenty unusual.
Uh…Why is the back on the driver seat lower than the passenger
Never mind. I think there’s something laying on the seat there. I really didn’t want to expand the pic to look closer. I was worried for my eyes.
Just think of the bad ass golf cart it would make.
Now that right there is a full on chick magnet. I can hear the panties dropping from 3000 miles away.
Seriously tho; Is the drug problem in Washington state really that bad? Or did maybe a spotted owl fall out of a tree and hit the builder in the head?
Maybe buy it for use in a Chumpcar or Lemons race.
Put a brass rollbar and headlights on it, and you have a new school stem punk rat rod!
Maybe Mary Poppins has ridden in this at one time?
For $1200.00, and it could probably be bought for much less, this would be a cheap project. I would put a t-bucket body on it, lose the hood, new grille, wheels and tires…for less than $2k you would have something fun.
2 Gees of Luvin’ Love-In would be to just put two thousand dollars ca$h in an envelope and leave it on the seat.
Immediately pick up the two grande’ and put it back into your coat.
That’s how you put 2 Gees into this.
It’s a fine line between rat rod and suck rod.
All I can say is “HOLY HELL” Give it the last rights and bury it. PLEASE!!!