
the car junkie daily magazine.


Bill Caswell Video: Hauling Ass and Grabbing Air During the 2011 WRC Mexico

Bill Caswell Video: Hauling Ass and Grabbing Air During the 2011 WRC Mexico

During our recent dinner with Bill Caswell, BangShift’s adopted bucks down rally hero, Bill told us the tales of his adventure to the 2011 WRC (World Rally Championship) Mexico. It was his effort at the 2010 running of this race that launched Caswell to cult fame. His trip was far bumpier in 2011, but he and his co-driver, the fearless Ron Erickson had one hell of a time and worked their asses off in the process maintaining the car. 

Ron and Bill were stopped and shaken down by rogue Mexican police officers (who took some cash and Caswell Motorsport t-shirts), sneered at by big budget rally teams, and greeted like national heroes by the rally crazed Mexican citizenry. 

In the video below you’ll see a bitchin’ in-car video of Caswell and Ron hauling ass through the Mexican desert while quickly approaching a large rise (read: jump) in the road. You’ll need to crank the sound, because just before they take flight, Caswell yells over to Ron, “Are you ready to fly?” Ron doesn’t have much chance to answer as the car flies off the jump at more than 100mph. The landing ripped most of the oil pan off the car, which was a little problem as the engine lost all of the oil instantly. Not noticing his warning light, Caswell pushed on for 41 seconds before realizing there was an issue. The engine suffered no damage. Caswell literally JB welded the pan back together and let it rip for the next couple days, pouring massive quantities of dyno sauce into the motor with frequency. The man does not quit. 

Press play below to see the beater Beemer fly in Mexico!



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