
the car junkie daily magazine.


She’s Got Skills: In and Out of Car Video of Spectre’s Brandy Morrow Kicking Ass on the Autocross

She’s Got Skills: In and Out of Car Video of Spectre’s Brandy Morrow Kicking Ass on the Autocross

The other day we told you that Brandy Morrow of Spectre Performance came, saw, and conquered the autocross at the Goodguys Nationals in Columbus, Ohio last weekend. Her sub-33 second run in Spectre’s bad ass Camaro got her the win in the vendor class. 

The interesting thing about autocross, especially when done in a car as fast and capable as the Spectre Camaro is how on the outside, everything appears to be fairly smooth and serene but inside the car, the driver is working like a one armed short order cook.

This video is cool because you get to see the footage from the outside first and then it replays the run with the in car camera. To say that Brandy did more in the 32 seconds it took her to run around the course than we did all of last weekend would not be an exaggeration. Her car control and reflexes are on full display here. Also on display, during the first half of the video is Chad’s voice. That’s why God made volume control.



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