The Legend Of Roy Hill – This Long Form Interview With Hill Is Great! Petty, Illiteracy, Success, and Secrets

The Legend Of Roy Hill – This Long Form Interview With Hill Is Great! Petty, Illiteracy, Success, and Secrets

Roy Hill is one of drag racing’s most interesting characters. He grew up in poverty and discovered the sport in the early 1960s. He managed to fake a birth certificate and get his driver’s license at the age of 14 so he could go to work and support his widowed mother. He never learned to read. He managed to get hooked up with the Petty family and race as part of their organization for years. He’s had interest in race tracks, he operates a long running drag racing school, he has gone to federal prison for “doing whatever it took” to keep racing. He regrets that and says so in this video. He’s not an angel, he’s not the smoothest guy but he is the definition of a drag racer. As hard nosed and dedicated as you could imagine, Roy Hill is definitely a compelling interview.

This video was made as part of the Legends series and we missed it when it was first published. We think you will enjoy a candid conversation with one of the sport’s true characters. There are people that strongly dislike Hill and we cannot say that we are among them. Everyone who is everyone in drag racing has had their moments and while we certainly cannot condone what the guy did, he served his time as the authorities saw fit. He loves the sport to his core as you will see.

This is not screaming and yelling Roy Hill, this is reflective and interesting Roy Hill. You may think you know the guy but after seeing this, we feel like you’ll have a lots better idea about who he is and what makes him tick.

Press play below to see the Legend of Roy Hill – An interesting life in drag racing

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1 thoughts on “The Legend Of Roy Hill – This Long Form Interview With Hill Is Great! Petty, Illiteracy, Success, and Secrets

  1. cudadan

    WOW, that was good stuff! I learned some stuff about Roy Hill, interesting guy! I sure like these old racers.

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