Shut Up and Listen: This Long Form Interview With Race Announcing Legend Murray Walker Is Worth The Watch

Shut Up and Listen: This Long Form Interview With Race Announcing Legend Murray Walker Is Worth The Watch

Murray Walker? Many of you may be wondering who Murray Walker is. That’s actually cool because the guy has been one of the great voices in racing for decades. The son of a highly successful motorcycle racer, Walker was destined to spend a life in the world of racing and he has. From F1 to the British Touring Car Championship he has provided colorful, knowledgeable, and enthusiastic commentary for every series. I have been a fanboy of his for years, seeking out and studying YouTube videos of his work to understand what has made him the guy behind the mic that he is.

This is a long form interview and that’s what makes it so great. Murray Walker is not a guy who gained fame for having a physically awesome voice. His voice is perfect and he uses the thing like a musical instrument as he has for the entirety of his career. His talk about the decade he worked with James Hunt is epic because the guys were completely and utterly different to their core. He knew how to amp up Hunt and Hunt knew how to turn up Murray.

This is an amazingly interesting guy with a great story. This is not a complete glory piece that makes the man seem like a super hero, instead it is a look into the world of one of the best racing commentators who has ever lived. He loved the subject matter and the people involved. More importantly, Murray Walker knew it was not about him. That’s the thing people lose their minds over. The announcer should be the voice of the public consciousness not the center of attention and he never was.

Like every great announcer there were “Murray-isms” he wears them like a badge of pride as he should. If you never get wrapped up, spun up, or a little crazy in the center of emption you are doing it wrong!

Watch this long form interview with race annoucing legend Murray Walker  –

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