
the car junkie daily magazine.


This DIY Metal Working Cart Is A Time And Space Save In The Shop For Sure.

This DIY Metal Working Cart Is A Time And Space Save In The Shop For Sure.

We recently moved into a new shop space here on the west coast and I’ve been working very hard to make sure that everything is being organized and put away as we move it in. And along the way I’ve been figuring out ways to build carts and stands and storage for all the things I need to build all these project cars. One of the carts I’ve been planning is a cutting and grinding station that will have all that stuff in one nice spot that is movable so it can go outside and be used rather than being in the middle of the shop making a giant mess. So when I saw this build on YouTube I decided it was worth sharing with you guys as I’m considering stealing a couple ideas from it for my own cart build. Check it out and see what you think. You will need a couple metal working tools to make this exact cart, but you can also get creative with it for your own needs.

We dig it. How about you?

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One thought on “This DIY Metal Working Cart Is A Time And Space Save In The Shop For Sure.

  1. phitter67

    I need something similar for my chop saw. I just haven’t decided what. Where I used to work the chop saw was recessed into the table, but the slag dumped everywhere underneath. A catch drawer would have been of no use because nobody would have emptied it.

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