Cinge-fest: Here’s Three Minutes Of Doing It Wrong On The Chassis Dyno From Various Countries and Places

Cinge-fest: Here’s Three Minutes Of Doing It Wrong On The Chassis Dyno From Various Countries and Places

From stuck throttles to shredded tires, this look into the dark side of the chassis dyno experiences will certainly provide an eye widening look at what can happen when you are running your stuff at full throttle, standing still on the rollers. There are few more helpful tools in the automotive world than the chassis dyno for any number of things but there are few tools that need to be respected and basically feared more than the dyno does. The energy, the moving parts, the mere fact that a multi-thousand pound car or truck is working as hard as it can sitting still and held only in place with straps should be enough to keep people from getting stupid…but it isn’t.

We get sitting in the trunk and all that type of stuff in an effort to increase traction and prevent wheel spin but as you can see, you’ll never know when the moment is about to come where a tire or hunks of one could be attaching themselves to you ass permanently.

The most violent incident shown here has an Acura Integra on the rollers and the thing kills a front tire so badly that the only thing left is a bare rim and a front fender that appears to have been attacked with mental chomping piraña fish.

Spring time means projects coming out of the mothballs and coming into shops to be tested, tuned, and see up. Just freaking be careful, ok?

Press play below to see how things can go sideways on the dyno quickly –

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1 thoughts on “Cinge-fest: Here’s Three Minutes Of Doing It Wrong On The Chassis Dyno From Various Countries and Places

  1. DanStokes

    Note that none of the human ballast were wearing hearing protection.

    Most of these screw-ups could have been prevented by simply properly cross-tying the vehicle before the run. There are any number of ways to do this (my dyno guy simply puts 2 straps forward and 2 rearward – at EPA we had more elaborate systems) but one way or the other you need to restrict fore and aft movement as well as side to side movement.

    Proof that they’ll sell ANYBODY a dyno!


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